Active Subscribers – Counts all companies with an active subscription that is not blocked in the admin page. This counts companies currently using a trial plan and does not count companies within a grace period
New Subscribers – The number of subscribers added on a specific date. This counts all status types and includes trial plan subscriptions. Does not include companies that had a previous subscription.
Subscriber Expirations – The number of companies that switched from active to inactive
Subscriber Re-activation – Companies who activated a new subscription after being inactive for a period
Active Jobs - The number of Jobs posted to the site that are active and visible to candidates in searches. Excludes jobs in the inactive, archived and blocked states.
New Jobs – The number of jobs newly posted to the site or made active for the first time during a day.
Updated Jobs – The number of jobs updated on that date, including as part of refreshing the job when a subscription renews.
Expired Jobs – This matches the number of jobs that have the expiration date in the Jobs page. The number of jobs that expired on this date.
Company Registrations – The number of companies that registered accounts that day. Counts all companies regardless of status.
Company Candidate Searches – The number of times companies searched the candidate database
Company Candidate Views – The number of candidate view credits used by companies
Company Candidate Contacts – The number of candidates contacted by companies on that day
Emails Sent By Companies – The number of emails sent by companies to candidates on that day.
Companies With Active Jobs – The number of companies that currently have jobs active on the board.
Candidate Job Views – The number of times jobs posted on the board were viewed. Includes views by search engines and other bots.
Candidate Applications – The number of applications candidates submitted to job posts for the day.
Candidate Registrations – The number of candidates that registered to the job board on that day. Visible under candidates and sorting by Date Created.
Candidate Job Searches – The number of searches performed by candidates on the day.
Recurring Revenue – Revenue generated by renewing subscriptions. Counts the subscriptions that renewed on the day selected, does not include add ons or new subscriptions. Annual subscription revenue is spread over 12 months.
Revenue from New Add-Ons – Revenue generated that day from users purchasing new add ons, does not count new add ons from upgrading subscriptions (if a client upgrades to a new plan with extra features, this will be processed as an add on in the transaction log, but does not count for this chart).
New Subscriptions Revenue – Revenue from new plan purchases. Does not count upgrades, add ons, or renewals for the date.
Average Revenue Per Subscription – This is a deprecated section.