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Candidate Application API

HiringOpps Candidate Application API
Version 1
The API allows you to pull candidate applications. All examples here are for demo.hiringopps.com, but the same will work for other job boards using HiringOpps. Just replace demo.hiringopps.com with the corresponding job board domain.
Request and Response Format
- All requests to the API need to be GET requests.
- Responses will contain JSON.
Candidate Application Endpoint
To access candidate applications, make requests to: https://www.demo.hiringopps.com/api/v1/application.php
Authorization in this API endpoint is based on a unique token issued for your company. To authorize, add the token to the GET request.
Possible Filter Parameters
- fromDate: Takes the beginning date of a range when an application was received in YYYY-MM-DD format (e.g., 2018-08-01).
- toDate: Takes the end date of a range when an application was received in YYYY-MM-DD format (e.g., 2018-08-31). This date should be later than fromDate.
- size: Takes integers between 1 and 100. Default is 10. Controls how many results are returned per page.
- page: Takes integers between 1 and (total results / results per page). Default is 1. Incrementing it by 1 loads the next page of results.
To provide the search results, the system requires both fromDate and toDate parameters specified.
Response Structure
Response contains an array of applications. Each application includes summary information about the application, candidate, and job applied for.
- id: Internal ID
- date: Date and time the application was received (US Central Time).
- companyID: Internal company ID.
- companyName: Name of your company.
- user: Array of the candidate profile details.
- job: Array of job data for which the candidate applied.
Candidate Resume Download Application Endpoint
To access candidate resume downloads, make requests to: https://demo.hiringopps.com/api/v1/company/candidate/resume/503131/KEVvrR8O9n97gBxy
Required Parameters
- profile: Takes the job seeker profile ID in {profile} format (e.g., 503131).
- resume: Takes the UID from the resume table in {resume} format (e.g., KEVvrR8O9n97gBxy).
Response Structure
Response contains the file for the candidate's resume.