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Home Platform Updates 2/25/2022

Platform Updates 2/25/2022


See below for a list of changes going into effect from 1/27/21-2/25/22. Please address any questions you have to support@hiringopps.com.

New Features

Week of Change 2/18/2022
Description Add peek button to all password fields.

Include a peek button to password fields so that users may see what they are typing into the field.

Week of Change 2/18/2022
Description Improve appearance of two-factor authentication on our JKL theme.
Summary Made edits so that text on the 2-step verification page was easier to read on boards using the JKL theme.
Week of Change 2/18/2022
Description Include text from custom fields in the candidate search index
Summary Allow keywords from custom text fields to be included in the candidate search
Week of Change 2/18/2022
Description Add shortcodes to featured companies to allow hiding parts of it.
Summary Added name, logo, website, and job count parameters to featured companies shortcode so job board admins can customize the featured companies appearance more.
Week of Change 2/18/2022
Description Add more search options when filtering pages
Summary Job Board Admins can now filter Pages (under "Content Management") by Slug, User Title, Head Code, and Content to make finding specific pages easier.
Week of Change 2/18/2022
Description Sort cities by population
Summary When candidates are filling out "City" field on their profile, results will now be sorted by population size
Week of Change 1/31/2022
Description Added filter to XML Exports for Featured Companies and Featured Jobs.
Summary Network owners can now configure XML Exports to only include jobs for featured companies or only include featured jobs.

Bug Fixes

The table below contains the bug fixes we have addressed this month and a brief explanation of the impacted systems.

Week of Change 2/18/2022
Description Dropdown menu" field on plans not showing correct value.
Summary Fixed error where the field was retrieving information from the "Price per Month" field instead of the correct "Dropdown menu" field
Week of Change 2/18/2022
Description Fix credit card error happening via Authorize.NET
Summary Remedied an error where long company titles were causing an error when charges were processed through Authorize.NET
Week of Change 2/18/2022
Description Fix that Affiliate search by "Type" was not working properly.
Summary Fixed error where Admins searching for companies in the referral section would bring up candidates instead.
Week of Change 2/18/2022
Description Fix company logo overflowing on job view page.
Summary Fixed error where company logo was not displaying properly on job postings.

Week of Change 2/18/2022
Description Fix that an internal server error occurs when switching back while not impersonating.
Summary Error occurred when Admins attempted to use "Switch Back" link when they were already switched back or not logged in as another user.
Week of Change 2/18/2022
Description Fix error where board layouts were not switching properly.
Summary Error occurred when a board changed from Basic to JKL theme, then back to basic, breaking aesthetic properties of the board.
Week of Change 2/18/2022
Description Fix error when blocking with many jobs.
Summary Time out error would occur when blocking companies with many active jobs.

Platform Updates 2/25/2022
HiringOpps Job Board Software
